Fundamental of Python Programming

           Fundamental of Python Programming

We write code in python programming language , this code is generally referred as source code...

Source codes are generally are high level language and cannot directly Interact with machine directly , it need compiler or interpreter to interact with machine.

Source code Written in Python ---> Compiler/Interpreter ---> Machines language interact with machines

                                         Python Features 

High level Language : 

It is high level language as I have explained it above which complied by complier to convert into Machine language to interact with machines 

Case Sensitive :

Python is Case sensitive , example networkapi is different than NetworkApi

Indentation for blocks and nested Blocks :

Unlike C/C++ which uses semicolon to end of line in code... Python uses  space, tab, enter, colon etc to indicate indentation of code .. So be mindful on that ...

                                    Python Interpreter / Compiler 

Python code can written in 2 following modes :

1. Interactive Mode : 

Where you can quickly test any output of small script 

2. Script Mode : 

Where you can write whole source code & save it and compile it anytime you want


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