
Showing posts from June, 2021

Data Types

                                               Data Types in Python  There are various types of data types which can be classified as below : Every Value  is specific to any data type in python.. Numbers Intergers Data Type : 1 , 2, -3, 0  Floats Data Type : 1.2 , 4.5 , -3.5 Complex Number Data Type : 5 + 6i, 4 + 4i Output : In Above Example cmath module is used to print real & imaginary part of complex number .. Later in blog I will explain how we can write a code using module & usage of functions.. Boolean Data Type : True and False == is Rational operator which compares , In above example first x = is assigned with 1 & then x is compared whether is 1 or not .. Hence Boolean Data type shows it is true or false ... Then we used type syntax to find the type of data type of True & False data type... Sequences  Strings Data Type : "ASR 1001-HX" , "vEdge" , "vManage" .. It is written inside single or double quotes. List Data Types : It is writ

Keywords, Identifiers, Variables , comments & Identity

                              Python Keywords There are several reserved Keywords in python which cannot be used as variable or identifier in python These keywords has same definite purpose and are case sensitive .. We will discuss about these keywords later in due course ...                                        Identifiers  Identifiers are name used identify the variables  It cannot be keywords because keywords are reserved for special purpose Identifiers can start with lower case , UPPER CASE, __ underscore but cannot be special character.. Example : router = "ASR 1k" Here router is Identifier , now ASR 1k is inside double quotes hence router is consider as a string variable. 1 2 3 4 >>> router = "ASR 1K" >>> type(router) < class ' str '> >>> Explanation : Here, router is Identifier  ASR 1K is string written inside 2 double quotes String is assigned to identifier , hence router considered as string variabl

Fundamental of Python Programming

           Fundamental of Python Programming We write code in python programming language , this code is generally referred as source code... Source codes are generally are high level language and cannot directly Interact with machine directly , it need compiler or interpreter to interact with machine. Source code Written in Python ---> Compiler/Interpreter ---> Machines language interact with machines                                                     Python Features  High level Language :  It is high level language as I have explained it above which complied by complier to convert into Machine language to interact with machines  Case Sensitive : Python is Case sensitive , example networkapi is different than NetworkApi Indentation for blocks and nested Blocks : Unlike C/C++ which uses semicolon to end of line in code... Python uses  space, tab, enter, colon etc to indicate indentation of code .. So be mindful on that ...                                              Python Inte
Welcome to my Micro blogging of Network Automations & API where we will not only learn how to configure networking devices using Python Programming but we will also learn about new technologies like Netconf, Yang Modeling , various  Data formatting like xml , json or yaml... We will try to simplify troubleshooting using python programming and learn about ansible configuration management sever to configure routers.. Also we will also learn few DevOps concepts like git commit, git pull, CI-CD etc.. In this new Era of DevNet we also need to keep your skills up with  Linux & virtualization  concepts, because  SDN , SDWAN or SD-LAN / SDA devices are controlled by linux server hosted in virtual environment ...